Friday, January 25, 2008

Class2 -Gettin' my Map on

Pete lecured on chapters 1-3 in my new expensive cartography textbook. (For $113.69, I kinda expected it to get up at 5 AM and cook me breakfast, but it didn't) For lab, we delved back into hands-on mapping. I produced the map above showing benthic monitering sites in Northeast Buncombe County (Hey, somebody's gotta monitor those little benthics, you can't trust 'em. Ain't no telling what sort of ee-vill schemes they're hatching up at this very moment.)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Class: When Landslides Attack

January 18

First Day of class, with a two-hour snow delay. We reviewed ArcDesktop, ArcCatalog and some other basics, went over the course syllabus, setting up class blogs, and other such pertinent info. Only six people in the class, which is a good thing. In the last hour, we worked on an exercise processing some landslide data and made basic quickie-maps of the carnage unleashed therefrom. Went to get my Elements of Cartography textbook, which I discovered to have a retail value roughly the same as that of a low-mileage 2001 Chevy 4x4 (with A/C, power windows, and 6-disc CD changer.) After only a couple of invigorating defibrillator hits from the paramedics, I revived enough to sign a sub-prime variable rate mortgage on the book and headed back to the holler to work on the reading assignment.